Thursday, January 26, 2012


I've been wanting to write about this for a while, but haven't known where to start.  So I'll just keep writing and see where this ends up.

We've all experienced loss, right?  Loss of health, loss of time, loss of friends.  Most of us have experience the loss of a loved one.  The loss of a job, a loss of financial security, a loss of patience.

I've recently lost.  And partly because I want to spare you the details and mostly because I'm just not ready to go into it on the world wide web, I'm going to leave it at that.  I've lost.  And it sucks.

But in the midst of the suckiness, I'm finding hope.  Love.  Peace.  Comfort.

From some friends.

From some family.

From my sweet husband.

From my faithful God.

One of my other sources of hope, of comfort, is music.  Music has an ability to cut through emotional walls and pierce our souls.  And music paired with lyrics that are overflowing with truth is one of the most powerful modes of communication I can think of.

Since you've lost in the past, and will lose something sometime in the future, I wanted to share 2 songs that have meant a lot to me recently.

He's Always Been Faithful by Sara Groves is an all-time favorite of mine.  I couldn't find an official music video to link to, but just please do yourself a favor and go look it up so you can listen to it.  Here are the lyrics:

  Morning by morning I wake up to find
  The power and comfort of God's hand in mine
  Season by season I watch Him amazed 
  In awe of the mystery of His perfect ways

  All I have need of, His hand will provide
  He's always been faithful to me

  I can't remember a trial or a pain 
  He did not recycle to bring me gain 
  I can't remember one single regret 
  In serving God only and trusting His hand

  This is my anthem, this is my song
  The theme of the stories I've heard for so long
  God has been faithful, He will be again
  His loving compassion, it knows no end

  All I have need of, His hand will provide
  He's always been faithful to me

The other song that has meant so much to me in the last month and a half is Give Me Faith by Elevation Worship.  Here's a Give Me Faith video you can watch.  Here are the simple and super powerful lyrics:

    I need You to soften my heart
    To break me apart
    I need You to open my eyes
    To see that You're shaping my life
    All I am, I surrender

    Give me faith to trust what You say
    That You're good and Your love is great
    I'm broken inside, I give You my life

    I need You to soften my heart
    To break me apart
    I need You to pierce through the dark
    And cleanse every part of me
    I may be weak
    But Your spirit's strong in me
    My flesh may fail
    My God You never will

Little by little, I'm crawling out of this pit of loss.  Well, mostly I'm being pulled out; I can't take the credit.  Some days I don't want to talk to anybody.  I just want to sit in bed and cry and feel sorry for myself.  But most days I have peace.  A peace that I can't even begin to understand.  But I know Who it's coming from.

God has been faithful, He will be again.  

I think that will be my theme for 2012.  


  1. Oh, Karyn. What a sweet, tender post . . . I have no words. Just that I'm praying for thankful that God is all and more than we need in times of loss. Love you, Mom McL

  2. The more I see into my sister-in-law's heart, the more I love her. This post reassures me that I NEED to finish the project I'm working on for you. Agh. So slow. Beautifully written, and highly appreciated by me. Love you.
